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Stable Housing in the Times of COVID-19

Stable Housing in the Times of COVID-19

Since the outbreak of COVID 19, normal reality has been turned upside down. Day to day operations, social interactions, finances and policies all radically changed in a matter of days in order to preserve the health of the general public. Although it was a necessary...

Gordie’s Success Story

Gordie’s Success Story

“I got a job and that is what it is all about!” Gordie was used to walking onto a job site and handing in his resume directly to the employer to get the jobs he wanted. However, when he finished his last janitorial position he knew he was going to have to switch up...

Disparities in Saskatoon’s Core Neighbourhoods

Disparities in Saskatoon’s Core Neighbourhoods

Saskatoon’s west side core neighbourhoods experience a concentration of poverty and underdevelopment. Almost every benchmark concerning human development—such as economic growth, health, education, and standards of living show significant disparities between the core...