Labour Shortage – There are Two Sides to the Coin.

Labour Shortage – There are Two Sides to the Coin.

We are hearing and reading a lot in the media about the labour shortage that Saskatchewan is currently facing, especially around entry-level service industry positions(1). Typically, concerns over this shortage are centered on the employers perspective, but there is...
Shedding Light on the SIS program. Johnny’s Story

Shedding Light on the SIS program. Johnny’s Story

“Johnny” is long-term tenant of ours and we shared part of his experience at the #ChangeSIS rally last fall. As a former SAP (Social Assistance Program) recipient, he, like many others, struggled when transitioning onto the SIS program (Saskatchewan Income Support)....
The SIStem is Broken

The SIStem is Broken

A system, like others, set up to oppress Sitting on the phone for hours only to have an automated message come on and then drop your call; Finally speaking to a person on the other end only to be provided no answers and redirected online/back to the call line;...
Cody and Ashley’s Success Story

Cody and Ashley’s Success Story

“Housing at Quint is great! They understand people’s situations and what they are going through.” Cody and Ashley had two small children and were expecting their third child when they moved into a 3 bedroom townhouse at Oski Mācipayin in February 2019. Ashley is...