What are your priorities as Councillor for Ward 2 and especially the core neighbourhoods?
In terms of housing, over the last 10 years, the percentage of Saskatoon residents living in unacceptable or unaffordable housing has grown. Ward 2 residents need:
- For the city to prioritize the use of Affordable Housing reserve funds to address this gap in Ward 2 neighbourhoods, and
- Investment in high quality, affordable housing that allows residents to choose to stay and thrive in the area.
Will you work with other sectors to adopt and implement affordable (social) and accessible rental housing development regulations, development incentives, and quotas and funding, in order provide equitable growth and opportunities for all in Saskatoon?
Yes. Existing efforts in this area have moved the dial on accessible ownership, and quotas are being met. However, the rising rate of residents in core housing need indicates that these efforts are not enough. More must be done to ensure that affordable and accessible high quality rentals area available in areas where they are needed most.
Do you support public policy that works to achieve the goal of having adequate income and access to a broad range of healthy employment opportunities that will make Saskatoon a healthy city?
Yes. The City of Saskatoon has the opportunity to be model employer and to set examples for other employers. Successful businesses know that when employees are healthy and well, businesses and communities thrive.
Opportunities for all is another priority, and this means:
- Partnerships to support daytime programming & opportunities for youth
- Support for not-for-profit organizations to serve those facing barriers in an integrated way
And finally, our 8 neighbourhoods do not contain any supermarkets.
Ward 2 residents need a viable supermarket. Until that is in place, supports are needed for efforts that bring healthy and affordable food into the area.