The Youth Lodge

A supportive, safe, and stable living environment for male-identified youth aged 16-21.

What is it?

The Youth Lodge is a safe and supportive transitional home for male-identified youth who are at risk of homelessness or who face housing instability.

This is a voluntary program for youth aged 16-21. You must be involved with the Ministry of Social Services or have a Young Offender caseworker in order to qualify for the Youth Lodge. 

What happens at the Lodge?

We want to help you build the life skills needed to live successfully on your own. Everyone who lives at the Youth Lodge is encouraged to attend and complete school. If you are ready to work, we will also support you to find a job.

Our long-term staff are on-site 24 hours a day, and provide a safe and fun environment with support for each resident as they build a brighter, more empowered future for themselves.

Celystin, Youth Lodge Resident

 “[At the Youth Lodge] I am not around alcohol and drugs. I get allowance twice a month and I don’t have to worry about what to eat because I am being fed three meals a day. 

Things that make the Youth Lodge a safe and healthy place to live: 

Each resident has their own private bedroom with a lockable door.

No alcohol and drugs allowed at the Youth Lodge.

All residents make weekly group trips to the gym and pool.

All residents must be attending school and making connections to community resources.

We cook healthy meals every day with snacks always available.

We have a policy of non-violence and respect towards other residents and staff

How do I qualify?

Note: The Youth Lodge does not provide immediate or emergency housing and the referral process can take up to several days.

Talk to your social worker about the Quint Youth Lodge.

Your social worker will submit a referral for you.

If a space is available, you will be contacted for a tour of the Lodge and a casual conversation.

Once you and the Youth Lodge staff confirm that it is a good fit, your worker will contact you to arrange a move-in date.

Need more information?

Get in touch with Julia Mudrey, Program Manager.

Call us

Call 306-978-4041 ext. 228

Visit us

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